ظاهرا برخی از تبلیغات گوگل در اینترنت همراه اول تلاش میشه با تبلیغات دیگهای جایگزین بشه.

جایگزینی تبلیغات گوگل در اینترنت همراه اول

استفاده از فضای تبلیغاتی گوگل در اینترنت همراه اول
محتوایی که جایگزین صفحه pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
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iframe = iframeCreator(width, height, adsId, clientId);
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ga('send', 'pageview');
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replacement) {
var target = this;
return target.replace(new RegExp(search, 'g'), replacement);
function iframeCreator(width, height, adsId, clientId){
//id, width, height, zoneId, randomNumber , n number!!
var items = [
['a7359c3c', 100, 100, 37, 'ab77a42e'],
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['a21c20e0', 160, 400, 75, 'a7c96c8d'],
['a6244c1e', 180, 150, 38, 'a9666e42'],
['a769b335', 200, 600, 50, 'a9769ec1'],
['a90f80b1', 235, 700, 76, 'a2e2c08e'],
['a891b71c', 240, 800, 92, 'a81e88cc'],
['a51272e3', 250, 360, 53, 'a3c48c7f'],
['a694e1f5', 250, 600, 83, 'a54e2bb9'],
['a0c63039', 260, 600, 69, 'ab3c1588'],
['aaafcb1a', 280, 220, 95, 'a7ce5f88'],
['a4d09fca', 280, 90, 94, 'a607a567'],
['a99685c9', 300, 100, 70, 'ac1db575'],
['abd84663', 300, 1050, 55, 'af18f719'],
['ad40cce5', 300, 1050, 63, 'ad8fbb04'],
['a050f19e', 300, 300, 88, 'ac2f1a30'],
['a89ba733', 300, 50, 77, 'a633ac4c'],
['ac840273', 300, 80, 64, 'a32f872d'],
['a615f222', 320, 250, 84, 'a2a8c2ec'],
['a8752678', 332, 280, 96, 'a6c611cb'],
['a0343a41', 300, 280, 65, 'a6d261bb'],
['aec1685a', 336, 280, 59, 'ad5bad59'],
['a5e37361', 450, 350, 97, 'a5ed1428'],
['a811f983', 480, 60, 85, 'a7c1291f'],
['a85ffaae', 500, 300, 73, 'ac16435a'],
['a4800451', 520, 400, 66, 'a9fce4b7'],
['ab1cec64', 580, 400, 42, 'a2276898'],
['a96bad6f', 600, 300, 78, 'a874825f'],
['a676f6d6', 600, 90, 82, 'a4f5afe5'],
['a46506e9', 636, 250, 60, 'aed513da'],
['a3d1b5ab', 640, 90, 74, 'a48373bd'],
['ace6897a', 650, 100, 86, 'adabef60'],
['a79d9bf8', 655, 280, 89, 'a40c2f3f'],
['a32c7e5c', 670, 210, 47, 'a11c967b'],
['a5e5d01d', 670, 220, 48, 'a7208f2a'],
['a4f27a12', 728, 120, 41, 'aade1854'],
['a0cbd3df', 728, 180, 87, 'a2f8cdcf'],
['a491e151', 728, 250, 79, 'afd915dc'],
['a198da7c', 468, 100, 52, 'ae088192'],
['a2d777f4', 750, 200, 51, 'aca01196'],
['ac9d86dd', 750, 300, 58, 'a37ee0f3'],
['ab8e4407', 820, 90, 90, 'a4a521bd'],
['ab221d03', 850, 120, 93, 'a87f6c5f'],
['a7846efd', 930, 180, 57, 'a5a8580c'],
['aef72cab', 1140, 90, 98, 'ae0a6bc3'],
var item = [];
for (j = 0; j < items.length; j++){
if (items[j][1] == width) {
console.log('width matched');
item = items[j];
if (items[j][2] == height) {
console.log('Item full matched successfully');
item = items[j];
if (item.length == 0){
console.log('Item don\'t match, please check height and width');
console.log('width: ' + width + ' height: ' + height);
var iframeelement = document.createElement('iframe');
iframeelement.style.width = item[1] + 'px';
iframeelement.style.height = item[2] + 'px';
iframeelement.scrolling = 'no';
iframeelement.style.border = 0;
iframeelement.setAttribute('width', item[1] + 'px');
iframeelement.setAttribute('height', item[2] + 'px');
iframeelement.id = item[0];
iframeelement.name = item[0];
//iframeelement.style.position = 'absolute';
iframeelement.src = 'http://adserver.shatoot.org/adserver/www/delivery/afr.php?zoneid=' + item[3] + '&divid=' + adsId + '&url=' + document.URL;
iframeelement.innerHTML = "<a href="http://adserver.shatoot.org/adserver/www/delivery/ck.php?n=#nNumber&cb=#randomNumber" target="_blank"><img src="http://adserver.shatoot.org/adserver/www/delivery/avw.php?zoneid="" +="" item[3]="" "&cb="#randomNumber&n="" item[4]="" "'="" border="0" alt=""></a>";
return iframeelement;
//var iframe = "<iframe id="#Id" name="#Id" src="http://adserver.shatoot.org/adserver/www/delivery/afr.php?zoneid=#zoneId&cb=#randomNumber" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="#widthpx" height="#heightpx"><a href='http://adserver.shatoot.org/adserver/www/delivery/ck.php?n=#nNumber&amp;cb=#randomNumber' target='_blank'><img src=http://adserver.shatoot.org/adserver/www/delivery/avw.php?zoneid=#zoneId&amp;cb=#randomNumber&amp;n=#nNumber' border='0' alt='' /></a></iframe>";
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//iframe = iframe.replaceAll(/#randomNumber/, adsId);
//iframe = iframe.replaceAll(/#nNumber/, item[4]);
//return iframe;
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